Faith in Jesus Christ
My faith in Jesus Christ is foundational to my life. I have been blessed to be raised in a family of faith and to now be on my own faith journey. While many things in my life are important, enjoyable, and interesting, I consider this belief to be the filter through which all else is viewed and the scale on which all else is measured.

Full-time missionary service:
Generations of our family have had this blessing, including Vivian and I when we were much younger. Now we get to serve together as companions.
I am blessed to live near the Kansas City Temple (above). Temples are special places, set apart from meetinghouses and other places. Once dedicated, entrance is reserved for members of the Church who are prepared to participate in sacred ordinances.
After years of being required to travel great distances to attend a temple, more and more are being built closer. This year one was completed in Bentonville and in just the last two years others have been announced for Wichita, Springfield, and Tulsa.